Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Waiting for granola and other things ...

 I have no finished food to show you today. : - (  Everything is in the dehydrators or in our "cubby shelves".  We have granola, savory and sweet crepes, cashew and macadamia cheese, caramelized onions, coconut yogurt and chocolate chip cookies waiting for us.  Can you believe all that?!  Needless to say, I am pretty excited for tomorrow to see how some of these things taste!  Although, we are having some kind of competition tomorrow too, which of course, I am a little nervous about.  Chef would not give us any clues other than we will be working in teams.  We actually had to write down on a piece of paper who we wanted as a team captain.  I think any of my classmates would be a fabulous team captain.  I know I keep mentioning this, but I continue to be amazed at how fortunate I am to be working and learning with such amazing, kind and talented people.

Should probably bring you up to speed on where I am vis-a-vis raw food and TV.  Since the first day of class on January 31st, I have only eaten raw food.  That means nothing refined, processed or cooked, no animal products, no dairy, etc.  I am feeling pretty good.  Not necessarily exceptional, like I do when I do my juice cleanses (which I highly recommend by the by), but good.  One thing in particular I do notice is that I seem to be satisfied with less and I no longer crave anything processed or cooked.  I actually have gluten free cookies and the best Udi's cinnamon raisin gluten free bread in the freezer in my hotel room right now and I have absolutely no desire to have either one of them.  Now that is BIG for me.  Especially since I treated myself to a jar of ooh .... coconut oil ..... which would be soooo good on the Udi's bread toasted!  I have found it incredibly easy not to turn the TV on so that is also status quo... no TV either.  One thing I lack here is more exercise.  I miss my wonderful walks and bike rides alone and with friends.  The picture I posted was taken on one of these beautiful walks.  Wow, when I get back, I will have a whole new appreciation for how lucky I am to be surrounded by walking opportunities surrounded by nature right outside my door!  So, not as much walking, not as much yoga, no biking and no dancing, that could be why I am not feeling better than I do.  Thank goodness there is a fair amount of movement during class time!  Which brings me to wondering if I want to start a running program.  A fellow student was telling me an incredible story about how her mom started running based on a program she set up for her and I am feeling inspired to at least consider it.  I won't be starting it until I get home, but I may do it.  If I do, I will blog about it, which will hold me more accountable I think and hopefully increase my odds of being successful with such an aggressive endeavor.  Oh well, we will see.

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