Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

    Well another great day at school today!  It was the first day of week three and it is Valentine's Day!  It started off perfectly with a hug from fellow student, Lisa, taking the edge off my loneliness from yesterday.  She is such a wonderful young woman and when you have some time, I would encourage you  to look at her beautiful uplifting blog,  Then to my surprise, more lovely things appeared.  Anna, shared some of her leftover almond milk from yesterday's batch. Tenanda gave us all chocolate hearts from Sacred Chocolate.  Lindsay gave us each a lavender truffle from 105 Degrees, and Lisa gave us each an exquisite white fig.  I know there is more to the name than simply white fig, but I honestly can't remember what it is, however, it is out of this world!!  Much better than the black mission figs.

     The first thing to do on our agenda was to make our granola with our sprouted buckwheat.  We added some date paste, apple, seeds, raisins and spices to the buckwheat and put it in the dehydrator.  Wow, did it look delicious just as is!  The aroma during the day as it "baked" in the dehydrators was wonderful!  Then, ooh la la, we got to make the chocolate tarts you see!  Yeah!!  The last thing to do before we left for the day was to start our cheese.  We made two different kinds and they are fermenting for us now.  Very excited to see how they turn out.  Tomorrow...crepes!

So much fun!  Now laundry and some free online yoga!  A very good day indeed!  I am blessed.


  1. Awwww - I feel bad that you were lonely on Sunday!

  2. ...and your tarte plating is beautiful! Simple yet elegant!

  3. Thank you Jennifer! I loved your plating as well! Yes, I was a little "down" on Sunday. It was good we had a "make-up" class to fill the day. Too bad you were gone on Sunday, too. We could have spent the afternoon together! That would have helped!
