Friday, March 4, 2011

Where Do I Go From Here?

The time has come where I am now closer to going home than being in Oklahoma City.  As I start to think of my final project, I am forced to think about where I go next.  That is, what do I do with this new knowledge and skill when I get back to Chicago.  A few ideas are swirling in my head but I am certainly open to suggestions from my dedicated readers.  Two owners of successful health food stores have contacted me and I am also thinking about our beautiful Church Street Farmer's Market.  I'll need to decide soon.  For now, my learning continues.

Yesterday we made the beautiful Sesame Noodle dish pictured above with a plate of marinated heirloom tomatoes and cucumber for lunch.  

We had ice cream for dessert!  The flavor I made was mint with a chocolate peppermint sauce!

Today for lunch we made a delicious Vietnamese Pho Broth with Tofu.  It was full of flavor, warm from the dehydrator with coconut and zucchini noodles.

Both the sesame noodles and the Vietnamese broth had so much flavor and were incredibly satisfying.  Again, a little out of my traditional flavor profile, but surprisingly good!  Maybe I am simply developing an entirely new and different palate which I think is a good thing!

I was especially fascinated by the tofu we made to use in the broth.  It was just like tofu in texture and taste.  A very useful thing to know how to make to add to any number of things!

Earlier this week we also made some delicious crackers.  We did not plate them at school or even use them for anything in particular other than to learn how to make them so we took them home today.  With a few leftovers from my refrigerator I made some nice snacks for myself.  I had an avocado that I mashed with some leftover diced red onion and pepper and enjoyed that with the spicy flax crackers. 

I also had and apple, dates and a wonderful white mission fig (nature's fig newton) and some of the wonderful cashew cheese we made in session one leftover that I enjoyed with the delicious herb crackers. Wow, they were definitely my favorite.  Loved them!

And so I settle into my Friday evening and do a little research for my presentation on juice fasting for school and my environmental article for church.  I am happy and I am blessed and I wish the same for you.


  1. Thank you Carol. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I think dancing with the chef might catch on:-) What an incredible talent you have.

  3. Wow - that Pho looks great!

    Well, suggestions for the future - you know, I believe that it is your destiny to attend the Vida Vegan Blogger Conference in Portland this August! ;) Farmer's market sounds good though, too!

    I look forward to all of your Level 2 blog posts to come! Miss you!

  4. @Fit n Healthy ... I'm loving the dancing with the chef idea!!
    @Jennifer ... I certainly agree it is our destiny to meet again!
