Saturday, March 12, 2011

Monkeys who fall out of trees...

An entry on Russell James blog comforted me along my journey today.  Now that I have relaxed my restrictions a bit with regard to raw food, I set out on foot on a mission.  After a breakfast of kale and avocado, the first place on the list to go was Green Goodies  for cupcakes!  This is the one I enjoyed after my hour walk to her shoppe.  It is yellow cake with salted caramel icing and was very good, especially the cake part of it.   Had a chiffon like texture.  Before setting out again, I picked out a regular cupcake (not gluten-free) for my classmate Lindsay who is staying at the same hotel as I am.  I also could not resist bringing another flavor back for me to try.  Chocolate!

Check this out!  This is the box it was in for take-away!

The little cardboard insert kept the cupcake perfectly intact on my long walk and the little openings on either side made it so easy to lift the cupcake out!  And they are made from recycled materials!!  I love it!  Before I left, the owner gave me some much needed words of advice about where to walk and where not to walk, her telephone number should I need it and because she was so impressed that I walked so far just for a gluten free cupcake, she gave me one for free!!  Thank you lovely Tiffany!

Next stop, The Culinary Kitchen.  I can't find a website to direct you with a link, but if you are any kind of "foodie", you have to check this place out!  It is located at 7302 N. Western, Oklahoma City.  (to those at home reading this, it is a cross between Someone's in the Kitchen and ABT)  Wow, wow and wow!!  This place makes Williams-Sonoma look like a Walmart.  It is like having the best, and I mean the BEST of everything professional in kitchen equipment at your fingertips!  The owner, Claude, is another one of my new best friends here!  I could have talked to him for hours!  He is quite the ambassador for Oklahoma City, explaining all the wonderful things about the city that I knew nothing about.  For example, they have implemented a "maps" program here that is done in stages over several years, decades actually, that is designed to improve the city in many innovative ways.  He said it is well on its way and I should return in five years!  One of the big things they are working on is making it more pedestrian friendly!  He invited me back next Saturday because he wants to make me a gluten free lunch!  Says he knows all about that because his daughter has Celiac disease!

Check out the retro-look refrigerators he had in his store...

I wouldn't want this in my home but it would look great in a little shoppe!  Or would you prefer blue?!

What I just could not resist for anything though was this perfect little sauce pan.

It holds maybe 16 oz max if I had to guess.  The picture is a bit deceiving.  It is really quite small.  Happy early birthday to me!  I love my new little pan, my new friend Claude and his amazing store!  I just may have to come back to Oklahoma City in five years! Who would have guessed I would have said that when I first got here!

Continuing safely in the direction Tiffany from Green Goodies directed me, I treated myself to another little indulgence that I rarely have anymore.

A latte.  The barista was as kind as anyone could possibly be!  They were giving out free petite goodies with any drink.  These were some of the choices.

None of them were gluten free, but I did grab one for Lindsay to enjoy!

Next up, The Red Cup.  It is the most wonderful eclectic local vegan and vegetarian friendly little place. I sat in this sunny corner,

to enjoy this!  A salad mixture with brown rice.  It was the friendly employee's favorite dish and they made it vegan and gluten free for me by leaving out a few things.  It was delicious!

With it getting later and fuel in my body to take me back I returned to my hotel, happy and satisfied.  I calculated the miles I logged on foot today and I can't believe it!  Had to do the math twice to make sure!  I walked 10 miles!


  1. Pedestrian superstar. I'm glad to hear you've had so many special moments this weekend. I discovered Crate and Barrel yesterday and really had to push myself out the door without all the beautiful bowls/plates/napkins/gadgets.


  2. Sounds like a wonderful day! GOOD FOR YOU for relaxing the raw restrictions - and you picked a fab way to do it, with cupcakes! :) That salted caramel one looks amazing. I enjoyed some coffee at the Red Cup when I was at 105 too - but you must visit Forward Foods, right down the street on Western. It's a wonderful little specialty/gourmet food shop, with a coffee bar.

  3. @Lisa - I was lucky I got out of The Culinary Kitchen with just one little pan!
    @Amber - Thanks for the support and the suggestion! I will definitely check out Forward Foods!

  4. That was a lot of walking to get to those cupcakes! They look heavenly, though!

    I love those old fridges - I've had my eye on them for years! We just need to get our own place first...the homestead...

    What have you been doing in class?!

  5. Hi Jennifer! The refrigerators are great aren't they?! So much personality! The long walk was worth the cupcake!!! Delicious!! Doing lots in class. I will send you a separate e-mail to catch up on everything!! Miss you!!
