Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lost and Found

Today was a crisp sunny 50 degree day.  Perfect for a Sunday walk.  I decided to be a little more adventurous than usual and walk in directions and take streets that I was generally not familiar with.  I am so glad I did!!  I found so many wonderful things!  First, I found this recycling container in a parking lot.  Yahoo!!  I am still collecting all my recyclables in my room.  I found little bins in the Target located directly behind me for recycling aluminum, glass and plastic, but no paper so to find this was very exciting!  Now I just have to figure out where to recycle my cardboard. 

I continued into unknown territory, not really sure what I would find next but curious just the same and yahoo, another find.  The perfect restaurant for Bill and I to go to for dinner when he gets here to take me home.  They were one of the few places open along my lost and found route so I went in.  They were so friendly. I was told that when I make the reservation I should indicate that I eat gluten free and they will be more than happy to accommodate my request.  They will even make gluten free bread and/or pizza dough!  Ooh-la-la!!  Yeah!  Number two wonderful find!

Then the best part ......

It is called Green Goodies and they sell gluten free cupcakes!  It was not open since it was Sunday, but oh, I will definitely be back!  Just not sure if I can wait until March 26th though.  If I could wait until then, I will have made it to the original commitment of 8 weeks all raw and no TV.  It is my birthday next week.  Maybe that is reason enough to enjoy a gluten free cupcake.  I for sure need to have one before I come home though just for "market research" sake!  What to do, what to do?  Look at these pictures of the inside!

 Does this look like the most incredibly inviting space you have ever seen?!?!  That would be a yes!

So now, since I really am lost, I turn to my trusty iphone to get me back to my hotel and I realize I am an hours walk away!  Yikes!  The good news is, I followed my little map navigator exactly and not only did I get back safe and sound, the return route was without a doubt the loveliest, most serene, beautiful route I have taken since I have been here.  Most of my return route took me through quiet neighborhoods far from the 4 lane highways I was used to walking on.  I loved it!

When I got back, I tried to guess based on landmarks I saw where I had been and used MapQuest to calculate my miles.  I walked more than 8 1/2 miles!  What a great day I had!  I hope you had a great day, too!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome finds! I'm glad you were able to enjoy a good long walk. When I got back to Toronto I spent almost 5 hours walking in rain - just enjoying the sidewalks.

    Missing you this Monday.
