Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lasagna and cheesecake!

I think I am having a bit of beginner's luck because I had what I consider another successful week in the kitchen.  I made wonderful raw lasagna that got some pretty good reviews.  I am continuing to stretch myself with balancing savory flavor profiles and while that challenge is more of a struggle the other challenge I have is maximizing on the forgiving formulas in raw cuisine.  I love the resourceful aspect of it.  Being resourceful, is the kind of kitchen challenge that brings everything "home" for me.  So after I ate and shared all this lasagna, 

I still had some almond "base" cheese leftover, so I decided to make a raw cheesecake.

I improvised the entire thing, and while I sort of took notes as I went along, I did not include everything because, it was really a little of this and a little of that.  Now this is really a shame because everyone who tried this cake, to my surprise, loved it!!!  This included my toughest critics, my four kids!  My son even wanted his girlfriend to try it and my daughter wanted her boyfriend to try it!

Here is Kari (my son's girlfriend) trying it ...

And here is Kari really enjoying it!

Now I had leftover cookie dough from last week's ice cream sandwiches (which were NOT a big hit) and some left over cheesecake crust.  What to do?  Make cookies!

Another big hit! 

Now I had to turn my oven on though, to make a dairy free birthday cake for a 7 year old.  All he wanted was a chocolate cake with white icing and balloons and sprinkles.  I think this will do the trick.

No one with any kind of food allergy should be deprived of a yummy birthday cake!

I have granola in the dehydrator, coconut yogurt in the refrigerator, sun-dried tomatoes marinating in the juice from the drained lasagna tomato sauce and a notebook of recipes I need to go over to be ready for the gluten free expo this coming weekend.  Am I excited?  That would be a "yes"!


  1. Isn't it great that you kids loved the cheesecake?! Bonus points for mom+raw!

  2. Hi Jennifer! I know! Can you believe it?! Slowly, but surely there are coming over to the "other" side!
