Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy in my kitchen!

I have finally gotten around to making some raw food.  Not exclusively, but some just the same.  I have also had to make some gluten free goodies.  This is the plate of gluten free goodies I brought to lovely Lori Murphy at Murphy's Health Food Store.

Clockwise from the top, apricot scones, chocolate chip cookies and chocolate walnut brownies.  These may soon be making their debut in her store!!

I continued to clean out my freezer.  Found one lonely gluten free chocolate cake layer in there.  It became a three layer cake that I shared with my sister.

Came across a new recipe that I was curious about trying also.  A gluten free dairy free orange coconut muffin.  (I love coconut!)

A very good base recipe that I will change just a bit.  Loved the flavor, but the texture could be more tender.  Worth keeping though for future work.  (for that B & B dream I have)

And ... yahoo!  Finally got to making some raw food, too!

Kale Chips!  My poor little dehydrator worked so hard this week.  It was on nearly 24/7!  Cannot wait until my new bigger excalibur arrives!  What was I thinking two years ago when I bought such a small one!

Sprouted buckwheat with Brazil nut milk for breakfast.  Such a treat!

Raw tomato soup for lunch!

Broccoli raisin salad for dinner!

Ice cream sandwiches for dessert!

Broccoli Salad "take-out".  Taking this to someone! 

Love and peace to all from my happy busy kitchen!


  1. Everything looks delicious. I'm happy to see you're having fun playing in your own kitche.


  2. Thank you Lisa! You continue to be such a source of inspiration on so many levels for me.

  3. That chocolate cake looks divine!!! You have been so busy in that kitchen!
